It opened last Wednesday at Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea - Museu do Chiado, the exhibition dedicated to the modern Portuguese artist, Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso.

The exhibition "Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso/Porto Lisboa/2016-1916" evokes the century since the first Amadeo's exhibition in Lisbon and Oporto, and comprises 80 of his works.
The exhibition is now coming from Oporto where it attracted more than 40.000 visitors. This exhibition is a non-miss to go through one of the most successful Portuguese modern artists, Amadeo de Souza Cardozo.
In 1926, when Amadeo first exhibited in Oporto and Lisbon, the success wasn't linear, yet controversial and miss understood.
In Oporto Amadeo's work provoked scandal and polemic due its vanguard aesthetics.  Instead in Lisbon, the artist found the support of other artists, such as Almada Negreiros, who considered the exhibition "more important than finding the way to India, by the Portuguese sailors"

At Museu do Chiado, the works exhibited evoke the life and context of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso. A returning artist by the beginning of the First World War, as a respected artist among the European vanguards. Abroad Amadeo took part in collective exhibitions in Paris, Berlin, New York, Chicago, Boston and London. There he partnered with Modigliani and Picasso.

Hence the exhibitions in 1916 in Portugal came as manifesto to mark and claim his career and international success.  Despite that, the Portuguese public did not understand it nor accept it well. Yet, Amadeo's work was powerful enough to start the debate about contemporary art in the country.

Amedeo's forms, colours, and shapes, are today no longer controversial, yet inviting wonders worth to spend an afternoon contemplating the artist masterpieces.

Until 26th February
