The name is English and inspired by the dandy* movement, yet the brand is 100% Portuguese.

In response to the lack of choice of male shoes and its customization in the market, Gonçalo Henriques e Rafic Daud founded Undandy. Hence the two founders, headed to São joão da Madeira (close to Oporto. The region that is famous in Portugal for premium quality in shoe-making and skilled leather craftsmen) to meet Artur Lopes, a shoe-making expert with more than 40 year experience, to take his expertise and together found their brand.

The idea behind Undandy, as Gonçalo explains was "to create a brand able to offer to male public the chance to personalize and choose all the details in their shoes". As its manifesto, Undandy follows the motto "be yourself", offering more than 156 000 available options (comprising colour, material, laces, seams and soles).

Despite Undandy is only available online during their first four months has sold more than 200 pairs to twenty countries. In the future Undandy wants to get a closer relationship with its clients, and so to open a show room and shop. Additionally the founders are planning to include an accessories product range too.


*the term appeared in the late 18th century in Britain, and referred to the self-made man, to whom was important the physical appearance, refined language linked to a nonchalance appearance in a cult of self.